Sunday, June 7, 2009

We have been in a study on a particular movement. Click here to start at the first article, then click return to archives, and continue to follow each part. Last article we discussed the motive of the Emergent Church. While they urge us not to support a political party, but to remain neutral, they consistently support the Democrat party. Do you know the policies of the Democrat party?

If you research on the US House website. You can do a little study on voting records for issues that the Bible is clear on. On the ban on partial birth abortion, over 96 percent (209-8) of Republicans supported the ban (1). Only 37 percent (77-132) of Democrats supported the ban. On a ban on gay marriage, 88 percent (202-27) of Republicans supported the ban (2). Only 18 percent (34-159) of Democrats supported the bill. If you research you will find that the majority of Republicans support biblical morals and the majority of Democrats oppose biblical morals.

Consider unbiblical comments that democrats have made. President Obama said, “I do not believe gay or lesbian is a choice…I don’t think homosexuals are immoral any more than I think heterosexuals are immoral” (3). He also said, “I do believe in evolution” (4). Vice President, Joe Biden said, “I will not vote to curtail a woman’s right to choose abortion” (5). He also said that “all the prayer in the world will not stop a hurricane” (6). Hillary Clinton said, “I am and always have been pro-choice, and that is not a right any of [us] should take for granted” (7). She also said, “I remember when I was running for the Senate as first lady marching in the gay pride parade in New York City” (7).

It is also concerning to see those that support the democrat party. Atheist (8), Americans United for the Separation of Church and State (9), and pro choice groups (10). Also, if you do some research you will find that many, if not most, democrats oppose prayer in schools (11) and religious freedom (12) and support gay rights (13) and abortion (14).

Yet this is the political party that the Emergent Church urges us to support. How and why would we support a political party that is consistently in opposition to biblical morals? Why would we support a political party that is constantly seeking to prevent anyone from living out their faith in public? They do not want Christianity to have any impact on society. Now in understanding that our Great Commission is to turn the entire society to Christ, we should find it hard to support democrats. It is true that God is not a democrat or a republican. While God hasn’t chosen a party, one party has supported God and one has opposed Him. The party that supports God’s principles may not do so to serve God, but they govern in favor of God’s principles and that is what matters in government. The party opposed to God’s principles may honor Him with their lips, but they do not do so with their policies. Again, God is not a republican or democrat, but one party does support Christianity and that is the republican party.

Resource One
Resource Two
Resource Three
Resource Four
Resource Five
Resource Six
Resource Seven
Resource Eight
Resource Nine
Resource Ten
Resource Eleven
Resource Twelve
Resource Thirteen
Resource Fourteen